Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 7: #cue13 Your Virtual Conference

Hello from Palm Springs. Before I give you a conference update I want to thank those of you who have been tweeting and reflecting on your blogs. I know it takes courage to share yourself online and I really appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there in cyberspace! I would encourage you to give your peers feedback on their blogs and to see the process. I tweeted an interesting video from Seth Godin talking about blogging. . .I would like you to check it out (it's short but powerful):

I arrived in Palm Springs late last night and met my friend Kevin, the principal of Palm Academy (the one alternative high school in Coronado) this morning for coffee before the conference. As I have attended CUE for the last 13 years, I am always running into old friends and meeting new people. CUE is kind of the Mecca of the nerdy technology using educator circle. Yes, you can be a rock star in this group with a comb-over and a pocket protector ;-)  I'm actually writing this post in a session about Schoology, which is a LMS similar to Edmodo and might even be a better solution for classrooms with iPads. With that said, I would love to see you all participate in the conference virtually by adding the #cue13 hashtag to your TweetDeck. You should find links to cool resources and discussions of many of the topics we have discussed in class. One way to showcase your participation would be to create a Storify story about the tweets that interested you or one where you grabbed some cool resources.
Hope you all have a great evening with Dr. B. I will be with you next week to talk about ways to integrate technology into your curriculum plans.

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