Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 5: Learnist and Learning. . .

This week we have the please of having Farb Nivi, the founder of Grockit and Learninst, speak to our class. Special thanks to Gwyn for making this possible. We will do a Google Hangout from 5-6ish and he will discuss both learning and technology as well as his newest product, Learninst. I am very excited about this opportunity and hope, hope, hope, we have no technical glitches.
On that note, if you have a PC and continue to experience issues like we have been experiencing, I would really like to highly recommend that you make an appointment with ITS. Here is a snippet from an email I think you all may have received last week:
ITS has made some adjustments to our wireless network and we'd like to hear from you if you're still experiencing problems staying connected or experiencing slow speed. Also note that we have instructions for connecting your computer to our ‘usdsecure’ network at - this will allow your computer to log in to the wireless automatically when you turn it on. If you continue to experience problems after connecting to the 'usdsecure' wireless network, please contact the ITS Help Desk by email at or by phone at (619) 260-7900. In many cases there are updates that can be applied to your computer that can help with wireless reliability.
Hopefully, we can rid ourselves of this Internet demon once and for all ;-) Besides the guest speaker, I want to share out as to how the PLN cultivation is going and to perhaps break up into small teams of similar grade ranges/topics in order to share resources. . .perhaps a few new hashtags? Also, I will discuss the Dan Pink six senses collaborative website project and see if anyone needs help creating a website.

This week's question: What is one of your favorite songs about love? This could be romantic, paternal, or other. . .


  1. Tale as old as time-Beauty and the Beast, or almost anything from the classic Disney movies to be honest :)

  2. "I can't help falling in love with you" -Elvis

  3. Dreams by the Cranberries. Refreshing :)

  4. My FAVORITE love song is definitely "Stay With You," by John Legend. Best song ever, and was dedicated to me by my husband and BFF of almost 14 years, Gervy. Honorable mentions are "Complicated Melody" by India Arie, "You're the One that I Want," from the Grease Sountrack, and "Little Things," by One Direction.

  5. My favorite love song is by Matt White, appropriately titled, "LOVE." :) listen to it.

  6. Adele - Make you feel my love... so good!

  7. Mine got deleted:

    I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers

  8. There are many, but one of my very favorites is "Song to the Siren" by Tim Buckley. Just stunning.

  9. All My Life - KCi & Jojo

    I like the vocals on this song.

  10. At the Beginning With You - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis (Anastasia Soundtrack)

  11. There are many, but I love "Baby I Love Your Way" by Peter Frampton.
